Be informed!
Purposeful planning based on the information provided by Hungary’s largest CV database.

Comprehensive comparative analysis on the market for business supporting centers

Brief information about the publication

Hiring and retaining the right employees are critical factors for success in business supporting centers as well. For the first time Profession prepares descriptive and comparative analysis for the market players by which you can get an accurate picture of the sector and the position of your own company.

The reliability of the data is guaranteed by Profession's CV database with over 400,000 registered active users, including more than 17,000 employees working in business supporting centers. The analysis is provided in a personalized manner, with expert assessment that is very useful for planning.


In 2019, the number of applications per ad increased by 17% compared to the previous year.

Business services centers are no longer considered only as a stepping stone, 44% of the candidates spend a maximum of 2 years in the sector.

The most experienced colleagues expect an average net salary of at least HUF 425,000.

Why is it worth it?


Company and sector-specific, personalized market information to help you make informed decisions


Get an accurate picture of your company, its role and position in the industry


Market summary and benchmark based on data from more than 50,000 SSC employees


Comprehensive analysis based on the largest CV database in Hungary with over 400,000 registered active users

Why to choose


Profession can provide you with three times more CVs than the second operator on the market! (Mystery Shopping research 2019)


Through our newsletters more than 760,000 job seekers can be reached averagely!


Profession has more than 935,000 registered users. (Based on Profession’s own data)